Wednesday, February 6, 2008


If I compare the life in Huxley book and the life in the United States there are some differences such as life. In the Brave New World life is totally different, even the way that people born is different; They can have babies without having sex and before the babies born they can determine their personality and they can create many kinds of babies with different kinds of behaviors and the strange thing is that babies are coming out of the egg, but in this world that we live now people can not have baby without sex and we do not even know how is that baby going to behave in the future and we have to shape their treatments while they are growing up. One of the other differences is death in United States when one person dies every body come to visit that family, they care about death, and they will be so upset. People gather together and say pray for that death person and ask God to bless him/her, but in the new world people do not care about death and they see death as an individual among an endless mass. The other fact is art in the new world they do not even care about art and they destroyed an old civilization but right here, we care about art, film, etc. In the United States people drink alcohol and they use different kinds of drugs and they enjoy using them but in Huxley book they enjoy soma, a pill that make them happy. The last thing that I like to add is that in this current world people are religious, even thought they have different religions but they stay undertake but in that brave new world they do not even know what does it mean to be a religious person.

1 comment:

Pooya Shoghi said...

I think the most important problem about your article is that you have analyzed everything only from a single perspective. You haven't even talked about similarities.You could also talk about how working is important in both societies. Also, some of your facts about America doesn't seem right to me. In America people don't like drugs, and even if they do, soma is a drug too. I think you made a typing error because this sentence seriously doesn't make sense to me.Also, people's practice of Fordism, in my opinion can be considered as a religious practice. SO it's not that they don't even know what religion is. Well, that's at least how I think.